Sunday, October 25, 2009


I think that the clip "This Is It" is sad but, energetic at the same time.I say that this clip is sad because Michael Jackson has done a lot for people, family and friends.He didnt let anything get to him. He put a lot of effort and energy into his career and it got him somewhere where no one can replace him. He is a legend basically.I think that this video is energetic because it showed Michael putting all of his effort in his practicing over and over again.It is sad that he couldnt be able to perform live, it wouldve been a huge excitement to all.The link to this video clip is"This Is It".

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My favorite book

...My favorite book is Twilight by stephenie meyer.I enjoyed reading this book so much when i was in the eight grade.Everytime i would finish a chapter...I just wanted to keep reading more and more.I was really excited when i heard about the new movie coming ot.I have ad all of Stephenie Meyer's books.I pretty much enjoyed all.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Living In Bedford-Stuyvestant

Hmm....Living in Bedford-Stuyvestant is okay for me.Sometimes it's drama and sometimes it's not.I have lived in Roosevelt Houses for basically all of my life.There are people that are trying to be something that they are not,eveyone is trying to fit in in all of the wrong ways like guns and drugs for example.My community is not always bad.I can say that everyone knows you around the neighborhood.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Hmm...I have traveled t so many places all over the world.I enjoy traveling a lot.When i travel,its basically that i'm either visitng family far way from where i live,or going to amusement parks,big resorts and sometimes even just to shop.I have been to over 10 states and i went to 1 country.Some of the places that i have went to was Florida,Delaware,Virginia,North Carolina,Conneticuit,Maine,Maryland,New Jersey,Washington D.C.,Baltimore,Pennsylvania and even more places i cant even remember.LOL.The one country that i visited was Grenada.I am not from Grenada but, i visited close family friends.In everywhere i traveled i learned something new.I experienced new things and learned that everything is not alike.These states differ from each other in so may ways.Overall i had a lot of fun in all.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Obama wins Nobel Prize

Obama won the Nobel Peace PrizeWhy was Obama awarded? due to his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people."Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," Norwegian Nobel Committee Chairman Thorbjorn Jagland gave only abstract justification for picking Obama. "We are not awarding the prize for what may happen in the future, but for what he has done in the previous year," he said.Nobel Committee quote. Some of the presidents that also won the nobel peace prize were Theodore Roosevelt,Woodrow Wilson, and Jimmy Carter.Below,these are the links of the presidents who also won the nobel peace prize.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Being sick

...I hate being sick.All I want to do when im sick is sleep.I'm constantly coughing,sneezing and even more disgusting things.I just want to stay home and lay down in my bed and go to sleep.Whem im sick you cannot tell me anything.Why is that?You can't tell me anything because im really really lazy and ill just ignore you.I just hate it!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Biggest Distraction

...My biggest distraction is my ipod.On my ipod, I am always on aim.Its hard for me to do my homework all of the time because of aim.It is a huge distraction.I try to take a break from it but,I always end up picking it back up.I despise people touching my ipod.I'm pretty much up all night doing homework.I hate when that happens because it gives me less time to sleep.So,basically I need a plan,a schedule so that I wont't have to worry about anything.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Attending a new school

I think that school for me is okay.I like the environment that i am in.I met new friends and new people.Im taking classes that i never took before like spanish and chemistry for example.Things in high school are a lot different from middle school.I wake up at 7:00 everyday.It is just too early.In the morning,its hard for me to get up because i end up going back to sleep.I have to say that high school is nothing like middle school.I used to wake up at 8:00 everyday in middle school.I really miss it.But,I guess i'll just have to get used to it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

What is most important to you?

Hmm...What is most important to me?Well, i would have to say that my family is most important to me,my ipod, and my close friends.I would have to say family because family is with you and they are always there through thick and thin.My ipod is also important to me because without it i am incomplete.I say that because music is my inspiration and it keeps me focused or in the mood.I also use my ipod for aim and other websites that i like.My close friends are very important to me.I have four main best friends and we are all almost like sisters.I say that because we can tell each other anything basically.And this is mostly what is important to.

Why is music important to you?

Well,in my opinion music is important to me.Without my ipod i am incomplete.I love listening to music.That is one of my favorite hobbies.Music is important to me because it helps me focus,sometimes it may be inspiring,music helps me out with some of my problems basically.The kind of genre's i like is hip-hop and r&b,reggae and a little of pop.This is basicallly why music is important to me.