Monday, November 30, 2009

School Update

...Im not sure how i am doing in school at the moment.I can say that i am failing chemistry with flying colors.Not proud of it.That is no one's fault but mines because i failed to study for my test and do my homework.In my other classes im not sure whats going on with my grade.But when report cards come in ill be sure to know my grade and pick it up because it is only my freshman year and im slacking work.

Monday, November 23, 2009


...YouTube is a site for basically anything.If you are looking for clips of a movie,commercials,funny videos,sad videos,music videos and more,then YouTube is the site you need to go to.YouTube is like a search engine for millions of videos.You can even post your own video on youtube and have other people comment on it.YouTube is also a way of how you express your character.This is a fun website that youll be destant to enjoy.The link for this site is .Click Here.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My family

...You can say that I have the weirdest family.That includes my aunt,cousins,uncle,mom,sisters,brothers and more.I can say that we all have one quality and that is laughter.We all like to laugh.Anytime there is a family gathering, there is nothing but joking on each other and laughter.Its kind of weird but its how we express ourselves.Basically.I also have an evil dog named Prada.(Dont ask)LOL.But anyway everyone calls her evil and shes just a chiuhaha and all of our guest is either scared of her or calling her evil.She really is by the way...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Everyone has a Dream !

...I have been doing a lot of thinking and i finally know what i plan to be.Well at least i hope.I dream to be a anesthesiologist.They earn a lot of money. Something that I need.That job has to do with a lot of science.Im currently in chemistry class...that class is not going so well for me.In order to pursue my career as an anesthesiologist...I must bring my grades up so that i culd get into a good college.This is a dream that i have and i hope one day that it comes true.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Music 2 My Ears

...Hmm...What can i say?I enjoy listening to music.I'll basically listen to anything as long as it sounds nice.I'm a huge reggae,dancehall,soca,hip hop and r&b fan.I like this genre music because it gets you in the mood for anything.Music gets you into any kind of mood because every song made in this world has a theme or mood to it.So this is why i enjoy my music.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My perspectives on art

  I am into visual arts.In my middle school,I was in a visual arts/counseling in schools program.I like visual arts because it gives you a chance  to express the way you feel in a different way.I have saved some drawings from my past in middle school.Visual arts to me isn't just a hobby,it is a talent and something to get your mind off of things that you are going through.I express my feelings through drawing and that helps me relax.I would like to hopefully start my own visual arts group in my community in the future.